Terms & Conditions of Use
We've worked hard to make Poweather easy to use and understand and these terms and conditions as short and simple as possible. There are no hidden charges and you can cancel your repeat payments at any time for any reason. If there's anything here unclear to you please do contact us.
Poweather Premium Terms of Subscription, Refunds and Cancellation
User payment for Poweather Premium entitles you to Poweather Premium usage and it's features.
Poweather Premium payments are on subscription and thus will automatically renew on a monthly basis. Your subscription can be managed through Poweather app or here .
Your subscription can be cancelled at any time up to the next billing date and no further sums will be debited from you.
On cancellation your account remains active for any days remaining in the current billing period.
Your Poweather Premium account will become a standard Poweather account at the end of the current term if you have cancelled your subscription.
We reserve the right to cancel at any time the account of anyone in breach of these terms.
We value all our customers and encourage everyone to provide constructive feedback on their experience. Please direct all feedback to tim@poweather.com
Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances will Poweather be liable for any losses, damage or injury arising from any use of Poweather or from decisions made based on the information provided by Poweather.
While Poweather strive to provide the best service possible we cannot guarantee that Poweather will be available at any given time or that it will be free from errors.
If you have any questions about this document, you should email tim@poweather.com
Last updated on 9, 28, 2018